Sunday, May 26, 2013

Battery Saving Tips for Android Devices

Battery Saving Tips

As we all know it is a common problem on android devices about battery consumption.

So here are some tips to improve your battery life.

1. Avoid apps that runs on background.
Some apps (facebook app for example.) Runs in background, even though you are not using them, they are still running! Why? they need to run in real-time. (oh yeah, those apps that needs real-time proccessing too.)
Ever wondered, why battery gets to low level even on stand by mode? You might've an app that runs on background, avoid that.

Known games that runs in background :
-Virtual Villages
-Draco Pets
and many more..

2. Turn off wi-fi and mobile data indicator when not in use.
This is the same with the APPS that runs processes and services on background, this consumes most of the battery life so if not being used then turn it off.

3. LCD backlight.
Did you know? 40% of battery consumption is because of the LCD backlight alone? Can't beleive it?
Got to settings on your device the set the Backlight to Optimal, Then Set the brightness to automatic and balance battery consumption settings.

4. Clear Data.
Clear data/Free RAM, every 2 hours. (recommended.)
Use apps like Clean Master, thier FREE for RAM and data, Like CCleaner for PC.

5. Uninstall bloatwares. (for rooted devices)
Bloatwares are softwares that are pre-installed by the phone manufacturer, it can't be removed without rooting your android device so this is optional. This has something to do with background proccessing too. Some bloatwares runs in background even when uneccesary. So remove them if you would.

WARNING: delete only bloatwares NOT system-related softwares, it may cause malfunction to your device.

6. And Finally. DO NOT use Battery Saving app.
Don't be lazy, don't be fooled.
 The function of such app is like on what wriiten above (APPS). The problems is it also runs on background and consumes 10% of the battery life.

Note: Additional Info on app called "No-Frills CPU".
It's a nice app that optimizes your processor's speed, it can overclock or underclock the CPU.  It will also help problems on battery consumption, but some apps may crash or won't work at all, or maybe Lags the performance of your devices.

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