Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Harmful Effects Of Laptop

Laptop, Nowadays in my opinion, is the most vital tool and one of the convenient devices for office user, for students, for businessman specially, for housewives and now they are in a portable version, so becomes much easier to handle.

But despite of its manifold benefits, there are some risk which the user needs to consider and be cautious about. Which may result in health injury, as laptop radiation gives off 20 mill Gauss.

Few Harmful Effects of Laptops are:

1- Infertility Issue For Men:

Laptop as per the name, is supposed to be kept in the lap, but Studies showed that when men place laptops in their laps while using, will affect man's sperm production organs, which may result in men infertility issue. This happens, because as described above that laptop releases 20 mil gauss radiation, which is harmful. Recommendation: Should use a desk or anything instead of putting it in the lap.

2- Back And Neck Issues:

The laptop screen and keyboard is very close to each other, which causes the user to bend forward in order to use comfortably. But the side effect is that it may cause back pain and neck pain, because of that you wouldn’t b able o use laptop for 2 to 3 days. Recommendation: Don’t use it continuously, give yourself rest after 2 hours continuous use.

3- Pregnancy Peril

Laptop radiation also effects pregnant women, The radiation may affect the baby’s development and risks mom or expectant mom’s health. Recommendation: Pregnant women may use desktop instead or should use desk while using a laptop instead putting it in the lap.

4- Fingers Twitching:

Laptop keyboard is arranged in such manner so that there is no extra space is left. They re awkwardly place, which is not comfortable as compared to desktop keyboard.

5- Eyesight Problem:

As the distance between the keyboard and the screen is too low, so there are chances that your eyesight may become weak, and you will be needing glasses in future.Recommendation: Low brightness level, and not to use laptop continuously.

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