Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Phishing Pages

Phishing Pages

According to the meaning of phishing pages is “to try to obtain confidential information from internet user typically by sending an email that looks as it is by a legitimate organization, but contains a link that tricks the user to a fake website that replicates the real one”

I will not talk on this topic that much, but will simply give you an example about the phishing page.

* Created By Hackers

* Using HTML, Javascript, CSS, PHP and other web languages

* Tricks you By creating Fake Web Page.

Like I remember when I got trapped via Phishing page on Facebook, there was a link named as “Justin Beiber Kissing Selena Gomez” I was like WOW! I should check on it, then what! I clicked on it, fake web page asking me to re-enter email and password.

I did what they ask, but then I notice the fake domain, it was like, I was like Oh My God it’s a trap :P I changed password then.

The funny thing was, that trap was made by my nearest and dearest friend and Co-Admin of this website, Sir RJ Wisler.
I know how to create phishing page, but cannot tell you, Its illegal :)

Ways to reduce The Risk Of Being Trapped:
Note: These rules are not only for Facebook, it also applies in sites like Ebay and other social network.

** Do not click on doubtful links, Like “John Cena Was Found Dead” “Etc Sex Tape” etc. etc.

** If you have clicked the link, and It is asking your personal information, check the domain name in the address Bar.

** If the domain name is correct, then Try by typing wrong information.

I think this is enough for your understanding, Thank You

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